
Section Setting and Referencing Properties explains how to use properties within Frank configurations. Can you also reference properties within Larva tests? The answer is yes, but there is a caveat.

The steps below show you how to work with properties within Larva.

  1. Start from your work for section Services.

  2. Introduce a property in Frank2Manual/classes/ as shown:

  3. Update Frank2Manual/tests/hermesBridge/ to reference the property:

    scenario.description = Hermes requests address from Conscience
    include =
    step1.adapter.toConscience.write = scenario01/${hermesAddress} = scenario01/conscienceAddressRequest.xml
    step3.stub.conscience.write = scenario01/conscienceAddress.xml = scenario01/hermesAddress.xml
  4. Run the Larva tests again. They should still succeed.

Here is the caveat. Larva does not know properties that are defined in layer “Configurations” shown in subsection Deployment Environment Characteristics. These are typically defined in a subdirectory of directory configurations, or in a subdirectory of src/main/configurations in case of a Maven project. Only system properties and properties in layer “Frank!Framework + classes” are known.