Configuring JMS and its driver

JMS stands for Java Message Service. This is a standard that allows Java applications, including the Frank!Framework, to write and read from queues. Frank configurations access the queue through its JNDI name (Java Naming and Directory Interface). This is a string that starts with jms/, for example jms/qcf-artemis. As a system administrator, you should receive the JNDI name that is given to the queue to be accessed. It is your job to set up this queue and to configure how the Frank!Framework should reach the queue.


Frank developers should know that the JNDI of the queue to read or write is specified in attribute queueConnectionFactoryName of the <JmsSender> or <JmsListener>.


You can use file resources.yml to specify how the Frank!Framework can access the queue; this is the same file as used to configure databases. As a brother of the jdbc YAML object, there is a jms object. The jms object has a list of JMS resources. Here is an example:

  - name: "frank2transactions"
  - name: "qcf-artemis"
    type: "org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory"
    url: "tcp://${jms.hostname:-localhost}:61615"

The fields that can appear under jms to configure queues are the same as the fields that can appear under jdbc to configure databases: they are name, type, url, authalias, username, password and properties.

The name field should be the part of the JNDI name that comes after jms/.

The type specifies the Java class that should be used as connection factory. The type field is more straightforward for queues than it is for databases - for queues there is no counterpart for the choice between a driver and a datasource. You still have to take care that your queue connection factory supports XA transactions when required – you need XA transactions if you want transactions that span multiple systems, for example when reading a queue and writing a database has to happen within the same transaction.

The values to use for the type and the url depend on the brand of the queueing system; more information is given in the remainder of this page. Detailed information on the url to use is often given by the vendor of the queueing system. When the vendor documents that the URL can contain name/value pairs, you are adviced to put them in the properties field of resources.yml instead. Different vendors may require a different syntax for name/value pairs in the URL. Using properties is less error-prone and easier to read.

The following table shows for a few queueing system vendors what value to use for type and url:





Active MQ Classic




Active MQ Artemis




host: IP address or DNS name.

Every shown URL has a port number. It is possible to omit the port number; the shown port number is the default in that case. It is also possible to work with a different port, but then the queueing system has to be configured to listen to that other port.

There are many other vendors of queueing systems. Please browse the internet to find them and to find the appropriate values for type, url and properties.

Fields authalias, username and password are needed if the queueing system requires authentication. If you want to keep the username and the password secret, you can use authalias and use the Frank!Framework’s credentials system to keep the username and the password secret, see Credentials. If authalias, username and password are all given, then authalias takes precedence over username and password.

Vendor specific library

The Java class referenced in the type field, the queue connection factory, is in a vendor-specific queueing library. From the 9.0 release of the Frank!Framework onwards, the queueing library is not in the standard Docker image of the Frank!Framework. Frank developers may or may not add this library to customer-specific Docker images. The location of the queueing library is the same as the location of the database library: /usr/local/tomcat/lib or /opt/frank/resources, see The Database Driver for more information.

The following table shows for a few vendors where to find the queueing library:


URL to download library

Active MQ Classic

Active MQ Artemis

Please browse the internet for JMS library if you are using another brand.